EU 1037  Dubna-USSR - 1990

The report for 1990

In 1990, the collective efforts of the Laboratory were aimed at improving the quality parameters of the central computer system of the Institute, local area networks and

terminals. The works on the development and effective use of personal computers and image processing chamber systems. Abstract methods and set up a program for solving nonlinear problems of mathematical physics in connection with the developments at JINR. Developed and implemented software systems for the analysis of experimental data.
Development and efficient use computing center, local networks and personal computers

As part of the JINR put into operation two EU-1066 computer and the second EU-1037 computer. Created multiple computer complex UCS based on the total disk space. EU-1037 computers connected to the network JINET (Joint Institute NETwork) through the EU-8371 teleprotsessor, and they serve as a computer terminal. Only interactively can operate with more than 100 users simultaneously complex. Total UCS capacity is 16 million. Operations per second (MIPS) at a basic computer and an additional 24 million. Operations per second (MFLOPS) on specialized array processor. All complex computer running virtual machine operating system (SVM). To move to the SVM and combining UCS developed new and improved existing programs and data teleprocessing inter-machine communication, batch processing monitor, software matrix processor, graphics system, adapted DUBNA general purpose library.
